Greetings, Nomads,
There have been a number of updates to Nomad Drive since we last met and we would now like to update you on these developments.
This development report covers the following topics.
- Advanced object placement system
- Cooking mechanics and stoves
- Life cycle mechanics of fruits and packaged foods
Advanced Object Placement System
Practically all objects in the game world can be grabbed and conveniently placed in areas that cover all the important planes of the game, which have been set in detail in advance. This gives the player the opportunity to create their own free game world. You will be able to place all objects you pick up at any angle and in any area you want.
For example, you can take a painting you found during your journey and place it anywhere you want in your caravan at any angle you want.
Cooking Mechanics & Stoves
At Nomad Drive, we have two types of stoves: electric and gas. Electric stoves work by using the electricity supply in your caravan and allow you to cook food. Gas stoves use your caravan's gas supply and allow you to cook food. The stoves are positioned from old to new as the game progresses, and you'll have a better chance of discovering better quality stoves as you progress.
The meat you find on your journey can be cooked and, when cooked, gives the player significant advantages. Each food has four different cooking states (raw, rare, well done, burnt). To cook a meat, you need a pan. The pan is also a lootable object during your journey in the game.
The correct cooking time for each food is a detail to be discovered by experimenting in the game.
Life cycle mechanics of fruits and packaged foods
All food, drinks and fruits in the game's world have a lifespan. When food reaches the end of its lifespan, it spoils and becomes harmful when consumed. For this reason, the player should keep the looted food refrigerated in the caravan or consume it within a short time.

Packaged products have a much longer life expectancy than fruit, vegetables and meat. Canned food, on the other hand, is practically indestructible throughout the game, making it an important source of food.

Stay tuned for more updates!
— The Nomad Drive Team
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